There has been an unreasonable fuss over the fact that we should limit our meat intake due to climate change. There was even a claim that we would only be allowed one burger a week so that President Biden can make his climate change claims.
In the meantime, Epicurious, the recipe site, quietly in 2020 stopped providing new recipes, stopped writing about and stopped posting about beef on Instagram. They are doing this to encourage home cooks to make more sustainable choices.
What do you think? Is this a good choice by Epicurious? Would you even notice eating less meat?
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By Cathy · Launched 5 years ago
Everything food, especially food systems, food science, and food safety and how they interact.
Hi, Cathy, we are flexible at our home. We get a half of a lamb every year from a farmer. I made lamb stew yesterday with the shoulder. I buy chickens from a regional organic farmer, part of Organic Valley. I really enjoy the farmers. They post on Instagram and they grow strawberries. I travel there to pick berries. Then, we get products from the local grocer. My husband is thrifty, but he tries to be thoughtful of the purchases he makes. So, it’s a compromise. He’s the pork King, we do get beef, but there’s lots of fish and vegetables. During the summer, we have a grand farmer’s market with local organic vegetables and meat too. I go twice a week. We scale back on meat, and we make a variety of vegetarian meals.